Thursday, February 1, 2024

Why am I here?

This semester I decided to take JOU-1300, as an elective course, that would cost my parents additional money. I chose to do this because I admire the professor, I hope to learn about journalism's importance in our society, and I hope to become a better writer. I have known Professor Smith, the instructor of this course, for a little over 2 years. I took his Media, Law, and Literacy class and learned a lot from it.  He is a man who is deeply concerned with the issue of freedom of speech. I think freedom of speech is an important cornerstone of American Civilization. In our country, we need to be able to have a variety of perspectives to encourage change.  Many people wish to censor free speech today to try to prevent political opponents from speaking. Some think that the United States should criminalize racial slurs with hate speech laws. I think that while we should condemn hateful language, we should not criminalize it. I think that America has a history of being racist, and it has grown a lot from the past. I believe that individuals like our nation can grow. 

The second reason that I chose to have this course was I want to learn about journalism's importance in our society. I would say nearly everyone has some awareness about the importance but I wish to have a deeper understanding. Journalism helps keep our institutions in check. Every organization is prone to some kind of corruption, journalists at their best can help expose these institutions and push reform. I believe that many of the Institutions in the United States have become corrupt. Global warming, the rise of AI, and wealth inequality are all serious issues that I believe the government is unwilling to fix at the present moment given the corruption inside of it. Throughout this course, I hope to gain further awareness about how journalists have exposed corrupt institutions in the past and how I can either be a part of or encourage the change I want to see in our society.  I have a deep appreciation of American history and I know by looking into the past we can find solutions to our present problems and learn from our mistakes. 

The last reason that I am taking this class is that I hope to become a better writer. Writing is an important tool of communication. How you write something will affect how many people are willing to read it. Many younger do not read as much as previous generations. If I become a better writer, I will be able to make it so that what I have to say can be appreciated by people who may not like to read. Different types of writing require varying degrees of formality. My purpose in these blogs is to develop a semi-formal tone that I can use in business. My chief priority will always be to deliver my message clearly. I think becoming a better writer will make me better able to express my thoughts. I have a variety of opinions that I want to share with the world. I am aware that sometimes, I can deliver my message in a clunky manner and I am also aware that I have a lot to learn. Practicing my writing will make me better able to deliver my message clearly. In addition to this, practicing writing will make me more informed because I will have to research so I can relay information credibly. 

This class and the blogging exercise will make me more aware of American history, have a greater understanding of the issues of free speech in our society, be better able to communicate my thoughts, be better able to think critically, and be a more responsible citizen.  

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